One should not brag. But when people repeatedly tells you how happy they are about your stuff, it is hard not to…. We recently received this photo of Kolormondo Pro on a pedestal (!). Suits our mood well (lol). It is published on Instagram by dcarvalho.ana from Colombia. She says “I just love this wonderful tool that you design! Thank you for creating it for all the color lovers of the world!”

    And then we had this wonderful email from Jennifer Jones, a US teacher:

    “I happened to find a rave review of Kolormondo spheres when searching for new ideas to teach my class about color theory. The post was from six years ago on The Art of Education (https://theartofeducation.edu/2015/02/17/a-revolutionary-tool-for-teaching-color/). Can’t wait to receive the materials so we can put the spheres together in class. I appreciate such wonderful resources – and thank you for providing great customer service!”

    As if that was not enough we received this from another happy customer. Petronio Bendito, Associate Professor of Visual Communication Design, Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance
    Purdue University, IN, USA:

    “Kolormondo is an engaging tool to introduce color properties and relationships with the aid of a physical 3D model. Its scientific basis, coupled with its simplicity, makes it an attractive educational tool for many academic subjects and learners of all ages.I found them on Dickblick while looking for a “color wheel” to give to my students. I normally give students a color wheel in every class. I was excited to find a 3d model, instead. We got 30 units. Great idea! I will use it again next year!”

    So proud and happy that we can help to spread colour understanding across the world and in all sorts of situations – and ages.

  • Has the global post system collapsed?

    Kolormondo, like most companies, have been hit by fewer orders since March. This is something we can live we, we trust that the interest and need for basic colour understanding will soon be back. However, what we did not understand is the extent to which the orders that are still being made, do not arrive at their destination. Global postal services seems to have gone to sleep….. If you are still waiting for a Kolormondo, that you have paid for and correctly feel should arrive quickly, we can only apologize. There most be tons of letters and packages piling up – who knows where, some of them containing Kolormondo colour globes.

    So the only thing we could do, other then to resend (completely useless, we have come to realize…..) is start doing tracked shipping. Annoying! It makes the costs increase. We can only promise that when things are back to normal, it will be less expensive to order our products.

  • Kolormondo now at Blick!

    We are happy to announce that Kolormondo Mini is now being sold at dickblick.com! And it is soon available in Blick stores across the US!

  • A day full of colour

    We had a wonderful day full of insights and surprises when colour expert Maggie Maggie from Portland, Oregon visited in Trosa. Thank you! Come again, soon!


    One of the ways you can participate in the International Colour day is to NOT wear black.  But if you are in one of these places ,you can also participate in organized Celebrations around the world


    Dia Internacional da Cor, Data: 21 de março de 2019, Horário: 09h00 às 12h15

    Local: Quinta-feira, Auditório do 4o andar do edifício sede da FIESP, Av. Paulista 1313, São Paulo

    Eventos ProCor, Informações & Inscrições


    International Colour Day
    Date: 21 March 2019, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
    Venue: Interface Carpet Showroom, 134 Peter Street, #1602, Toronto
    CRSC Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    Lecture “Colour Perspectives: Art practice through the lens of plant and mineral pigments” by artist Tania Love
    An event of Colour Research Society of Canada (CRSC)

    International Color Day Event
    Date: 21 March 2019
    Venue: Technical Museum “Nikola Tesla”
    Organized by the Croatian Color Association and the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Faculty of Graphic Arts, and Faculty of Architecture
    All-day program on “Color and Materials”. The program includes a scientific-professional symposium, an exhibition thematically dedicated to color, and workshops for children and adults
    Contact: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Martinia Ira Glogar
    Organizing Committee to mark the International Day of Color Croatian Association for Colors HUBO

    Natacha Le Duff at the Museum of Colours in Berlin has started a global campaign to encourage more colourful dressing on 21st March 2019 called #noblackclothesday.
    Yourself and the global community is warmly invited to take part in their own ways and get behind a celebration of colour and positive action through dressing, in their own way. The event info is on FB, feel free to share the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1501370349993493/

    International Colour Day
    Date: 21 March 2019, 2:00 PM
    Guided tour with private tutor, art historian, lecturer, artist Gayna Pelham.
    Venue: National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN, UK
    Event of The Colour Group (GB)

    First Celebration of the International Colour Day (ICD)
    Date: 21 March 2019, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    Organized by Color Science Association of Japan Chairman Shinya Takahashi (Tokai Gakuen University) who will explain the purpose of ICD and the efforts of each country
    AIC Executive Committee Member Takahiko Horiuchi (Chiba University) will talk at “Color of the Year” Award Ceremony, the First ICD Commemorative Lecture “The era of color, universal design coming!” (Tentative name)

    International Colour Day 2019
    Date: 22 March 2019 (Friday)
    Venue: Dongseoul University International Exchange Center, 2nd floor
    AIC Annual Report
    Invited Lecture on “Color Trend”
    Event of Korean Society of Color Studies

    Celebration of International Colour Day and World Poetry Day
    “We can no longer survive on refrigerators, politicians, card games, crosswords and puzzles. We can no longer live without poetry, color, love” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Letter to General X, 1943, during World War II)
    “Colour and Poetry”
    Date: 21 March 2019, 6:30 PM
    Venue: O’Malta Bistro Bar, Rua Carvalho Araújo 24, Lisbon
    Organized by Portuguese Colour Association, in collaboration with the P’Arte, CEC – Centre for Comparative Studies, the Colour and Light Research Group, CIAUD – Research Centre in Architecture, Urban Planning and Design, University of Lisbon
    We invite you to read unpublished poems or poems already published related to the theme of colour. A compilation of poems will be published after the event. If you cannot participate in person, but would like to contribute to the diversity and joy of the event, please send a poem that will be read in your name to: conte.veronica @ gmail.com

    International Colour Day
    Date: 21 March 2019, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
    Lecture: What color is really “The Dress”? Bodil Karlsson, PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg
    Award Color 2018, “The Blue Color”, Linus Fridén (Konstfack) presents his winning contribution “Blue”.
    Prisad Färg is a competition in color design for students and graduates in design, architecture, visual communication and art. The prize ceremony was held in conjunction with Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, Greenhouse, February 5, 2019 Event of Stiftelsen Svenskt Färgcentrum

    Webinar – Michael Webster
    Date: 21 March 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
    Michael Webster: Adaptation and Color Perception
    Event of Inter-Society Color Council

    In 2019, the Holi Festival will be celebrated on March 21. https://www.holifestival.org/holi-festival.html

    All events at: http://www.ad-chroma.com/index.php?article_id=94&clang=2


  • Play with colour in Trosa, Sweden, May 31

  • Colour i Chile…