• Last chance:get before Christmas. Kickstarter campaign expires

    We are so proud, happy and grateful for all the support we have received at Kickstarter for the production of Kolormondo Pro. The goal has been more than succesfully achieved, but there are still rewards to be picked up. So hurry up, if you want to have one  before Christmas. Or why not have a  look at the Christmas Special reward?

  • Learn more on colour!

    Want to become professional in colour? Here is yur chance: The Polytechnic in Milan is offering a master programme! color_locandina-lab_2016_eng_v4_r


    We are happy to finally have a campaign on Kickstarter for  the production of Kolormondo Pro, our new product with CMY and NCS codes. Please have a look here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/463267157/kolormondo-pro-intuitive-colour-with-cmy-ncs-color All support greatly appreciated!


  • Wow is colour difficult…..!

    If you find colour difficult, you are not alone! In a  recent study with soon-to-be colour professionals – textile MA students at prestigious Royal College of Art in London –  it turns out they have very poor knowledge of colour terms.

    Over 60% of the students are not familiar with  “additive colour”. 90% are not familiar with “CIE space”. “Munsell” and “NCS” is unfamiliar to over 80% of the respondents. Over 60 % are unfamiliar with “wavelength”.  etc. Almost 60% however, could give a full description of the term “moodboard”.

    Well, do you have to know these terms? No, of course not. But colour does not come only from moodboards, colour is technically very specific, scientific and precise. Do you have to know what words mean to write a novel?  No…… or?

    Kolormondo is like an ABC book for  basic understanding of colour theory.  And it can be used as a bridge and a reference bwetween experts  – with all their complicated terms  – and the beginner. Once you have come across a Kolormondo colour sphere, it is easier to understand what  CIE, NCS, Munsell etc is

    I wonder if the students would be able to give a full description of “saturation”?


  • What colour is your shadow?

    Do you think your shadow is black?

    In this beautiful picture two young ladies, Hillevi and Elna, show that that is not necessarily the case.


  • COLOR FOR EVERYONE – supported by Kolormondo

    We just supported this project on Kickstarter:

  • Wrong colour? it costs a fortune!

    One third of all manufactured pieces of clothes in the world are never sold. One third! Think about how big the clothing industry is. Think about how environmentally harming this industry is. And one third of it goes to landfilling……. It is chocking and worrying, I think you agree!

    Why is it like that? What can be done about it. It costs a fortune for the companies involved and therefor for the customers. And in particular, our environment pays a high price for thisstate of things.

    Here at the PICS 2016 (Progress in Colour Studies ) conference in London, colour management specialist Janet Best spoke on this subject yesterday. One explanation is colour. In the picture below, you see first a colour chosen by a designer (“standard”) and how it gradually deteriorates during the production process  – risking to be rejected by the the client.

    So,  good colour managment is needed.

    And this, in our experience, starts with good colour understanding…………

    Color-Standard-avoid-this_natific AG

    (picture from www.natific.com)

  • Support Colours of Babel at Kickstarter

    This Kickstarter-campaign has just been launched and we have already supported it. Join in!

  • Off to PICS conference in London


    PICS is short for “Progress in Colour Studies”; an annual conference at University College, London, coming up this weekWe are happy to be able to participate. Have a look at the programme, I think you will be amazed at the great variation:

    • vision, perception, cognition, memory
    • linguistics, psycholinguistics
    • design, fashion
    • architecture, art, history, heritage, culture
    • imaging, computation, analysis, modelling
    • illumination, optics, photography, technology
    • conservation, chemistry, materials, surfaces                                                                                                                       are some of the subjects covered.  http://pics2016.uk/. We will report some of the hightlights here.
  • The Colour Explorer´s Travel Kit – with Kolormondo and more!

    We recently received this lovely newsletter from Maggie Maggio of Color Explorer:


    Color Explorers’ Travel Kit 

    I am on the road again. Here’s what I packed . . .

    ·         Kolormondo 185 by Swedish designer Nicoline Kinch. Take it apart and put it back together in less than 5 minutes. Both the globe and the free app are perfect for demonstrating color in 3D.

    ·         Bag of Crayons – I never go anywhere without my crayons.

    ·         Prisms with charts from Goethe plus a few from the Usborne Optical Illusions deck of cards.

    ·         Color Paddle Set – Diffraction gratings and calibrated CMY|RGB gels. An easy way to show that magenta plus yellow makes red.

    ·         CMY Color Wheel from The Color Wheel Company. It’s much easier to see color relationships with the covers off!

    ·         RGB Flashlights – The Optical Society of America Color Blox set is the best – and most portable – way I’ve found for demonstrating the mixing of light. (Note: Myra is using the flashlights to mix green and red light in the photo above.)

    ·         Basic Deck of BTC Cards – The 70 card set of Breakthrough Color cards by Canadian color explorer
    Tracy Holmes is a fun way to sort
    color into tints, tones and shades.

    ·         A flashlight app turns an “iPad” into a tiny light table. I laminated theaterGels for a quick subtractive mixing lesson. Bonus: The “iPad” is handy
    for playing the master level of the
    addictive gaming app Blendoku.

    ·         Flip Triangle Prototype – One of the products we are developing for the classroom. They connect back-to-back with Velcro to show the reciprocal relationship of the RGB and CMY systems of color.

    ·         Afterimage Chart – just for fun!

    ·         Polymer Clay – for mixing color right in your hands. I use many brands including Fimo, Premo and Kato.

    ·         Schylling Tops with our prototype
    Maxwell disks for playing with
    optical mixing.

    ·         CMY Color Mixing Triangle Prototype – for feedback.

    I can fit everything but the crayons into a nifty JOTO organizer. I just throw the
    travel kit, crayons and notebook in my carry-on and I’m ready to go. Now it’s off to more color adventures!

    Colour Explorers' Travelers Kit2Color Explorers´Travel Kit